DMEB-2: Features
Some Special Pictures of Maul

For Our First Birthday!

Darth Maul Drawing by Ian McCaigNude studies have always been the artist's way of studying articulation of joints, the conformation of muscle, and the working of the physical body. Only by such study is the artist able to produce a picture that truly reflects how the body moves, in reality.

Some artists, notably Leonardo da Vinci, took such study so seriously, that they performed dissections and studied anatomy, in order to improve their understanding of the human form.

It is unfortunate that in the West, even though we consider ourselves liberated, even an artist's professional interest is regarded with suspicion and intolerance. For an article about nudity and repression, (but in not too serious a vein) and an interesting comment on the nude, as perceived by our over repressive western eyes, this link is an intriguing read. Repression was such that 'life classes', as they were called, were barred to female students until comparatively recently, ie the late 1890's. This was a serious impediment to any woman wanting to take up art as a career, and the restraints on women at this time, made it all but impossible.

It might be added that being an artist's model is not all glamour, as this article suggests, and that there is a lot of 'psychic baggage' involved in the process. On the part of the students, that is.

So why draw Maul without his tunic, without his accoutrements of battle? Why not! Does it imply disrespect for the character? We don't think so, because there is a significant challenge involved.

Eric's Study of Maul

This image is by Eric Barclay, of Maulvels fame, and is from the last book of his comic. He uses directional lighting to emphasise the musculature, and faithfully draws the tattoos as the creator of the character. Ian McCaig, originally drew them. The tattoos on Maul's legs and thighs, however, are from Eric's imagination, and he has designed them to emphasise the muscle groups.

Jan Duursema's Maul Study

Jan Duursema collaborated on the comic, Darth Maul, with Marz, Magyar, and McCaig. Her character practically jumps off the page, and just fizzes with vitality.

Lady Sythe: Lover's GlanceLady Sythe, a regular contributor to DMEB-2, has drawn many pictures of Maul, and these are some of her best. As do many of us, she believes that Maul is capable of the ocasional tender moment, no matter what his master is like. Maul perhaps, would not like Sidious to know what he is capable of in this regard, however. Lady Sythe has drawn the tattoos on the upper torso as defined by Iain McCaig, and the remainder from imagination. She uses similar logic to Eric, that is, she uses them to enhance the definition of the musculature.

Further than this, we cannot go, but does this whet your appetite for art? Do you have a talent that could be grown? Do you want to draw like these artists here? The Internet abounds with excellent sites hosted by museums and galleries throughout the world, and the university or college in your home town will have courses designed to teach you all you need to know. Remember, to start, all you need is paper and pencil....


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