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August 2018: Our beloved web designer, Maul Maus, whose vision of Maul is here in this site, died this month. We have dedicated this site to her, in memory of the fun times we had, the friendship, and the friends we made along the way.
12 August 2011: saphsaq writes again! Nothing but a Job Yet another new story by our Mistress of the more disturbing side of The Force. Rated R. Long before the production of clones started at Kamino, Darth Maul teams up with a female trooper to do a hit job for his master. (PDF file so make sure you have Adobe Acrobat Reader.) |
17 December 2010: A new story by our Mistress of the more disturbing side of The Force. Poor me! Rated PG. Who was the master, and who the apprentice? (PDF file so make sure you have Adobe Acrobat Reader.) |
This falls under the category of "How in the heck could we miss this??!!?!" Mimoco recently released a new series of Star Wars USB flash drives. They've been making those cool flash drives for years... but none worth writing here about ... until NOW! On June 10th (Yeah we know it's late...) in honour of TPM's 10th Anniversary they released a Darth Maul flash drive!
You can order directly from the Mimoco website. There are even little "Hoodie" keychain accessories for it. All too cute...
17 June 2009: DMEB-2 - 8th Birthday!: Take a look at our Eighth Birthday Page - We have a couple treats for you to celebrate our special day... Some special piece artwork by Mariana Moreno that portrays pretty much how we feel about Darth Maul. (Yes... we can show it on a public page.... sheesh!!! Get your minds out of the gutter!) We also have some new DMEB-2 wallpaper to decorate your computer screen with. Enjoy.... [ DMEB-2 8th Birthday Page ] |
25 May 2009: DMEB-1 - 10th Anniversary!: |
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Yes... Today is the 10th Anniversary of the founding of the Original Darth Maul Estrogen Brigade! (WooHoo!!) So, less than a week after Episode I: The Phantom Menace was released in North America - Darth Maul had his own Estrogen Brigade! (And he's had it for 10 years now - in one form or another! We're not sure if that is a record or not - but it might be!). In an interview, DarthCleo one of the founders and the creator of the DMEB-1 was asked where the idea for the DMEB came from. She stated:
Lucky for us, DarthCleo's background with computers and programming allowed the DMEB to be created. With all the Episode I craziness, the DMEB garnered attention from the press, starting with an article from the San Francisco Chronicle and continued for months. There was even a mention in Empire Magazine from England. You can read the entire interview DarthCleo gave way back when on our DMEB-1 Page. |
The Videos are starting to appear on YouTube! In addition to the usual parade - What's DisneyWorld without a parade? - there are autograph sessions with the guests and interview sessions and Ray Park has a special "Visit to the Maul" where he has a special "Master Class" for kids, hosted by Jay Laga’aia (Captain Typho - He was great at CIII ) . Dang - it looks like a great time, despite the rain!
In other News... NBCLosAngeles thought we should celebrate the 10th Anniversary of TPM by Standing in Line Somewhere! (Hmmm... Sounds Like CII and CIII ... ) And a Sign of the Times: Fans Twitter their Phantom Menace Line Memories... |
22 May 2009:
Even if you can't make it out to SW Weekends... you can still begin your Sith or *cough* Jedi Training - Once you "complete" your training you can download a cool Darth Maul Wallpaper (much better than the Yoda one... trust us!) and a "Bounty Hunter" guide. Not bad for free... EDIT: StarWars.com Just released a video (Disney Weekends #1) with information and tips for those of you attending SW Weekends - especially THIS weekend. (Yeah we know it's kinda late... ) But it does have some cool information and views of Ray and various "Darth Mauls." Worth a look. |
21 May 2009: Sideshow Collectibles is hosting a new poll in honour of The Phantom Menace's 10th Anniversary - You can vote for your favourite new character introduced in Episode I.:
Well... this is like a no duh vote in our opinion. (And Yes... Our favourite Sith is winning handsomely at this point!) So go on over to the Star Wars Page at Sideshow Collectibles and Vote! |
19 May 2009: Every Generation has a Legend ... Hard to believe but it has been 10 years since the release of the first Prequel - Star Wars: Episode I: The Phantom Menace. It's been 10 years since that mysterious Dark Lord of the Sith, Darth Maul, graced the silver screen with his menacing demeanour and drove legions of women into near hysteria while igniting his double-sided lightsaber! Speaking of hysteria - it's also been 10 years since the original DMEB was started by Darth Cleo... well almost 10 years (give it a couple of days!). Remember those first heady days of Maul mania? When it seemed like the only face you saw was his? Maul was the "New Face of Evil" according to Star Wars Insider, and he was only the second one to be named "Darth" after Vader. He had some big boots to fill. Some may have been disappointed with Episode I, but few if any of those complaints were ever aimed at the Sith - except to say he needed more screen time (to which we heartily agree!). Today, 10 years later, Darth Maul remains one of the favourite characters of the entire saga, and Ray Park has become one of the all time fan favourites to appear at any convention! We aren't the only ones to celebrate the 10th anniversary of The Phantom Menace. StarWars.com and TheForce.net are also looking back on this day. Here are some links for you to enjoy and to reminisce with:
24 September 2008: There is a new book coming out this October - one that will hopefully reveal something we've all been wanting to see for YEARS!!! ShadowLine: The Art of Iain McCaig which showcases the original artwork drawn by Iain McCaig over the years, including, Darth Maul. We can only hope - all of it! Darth Maul is on the cover of the book, but we don't know how much of Maul is revealed (or not) in the book. Guess we'll just have to buy it and see. It is set to be published on 01 October 2008 for $65.00 USD (or 07 October if you believe Amazon.com for $41.00 USD). A more extensive Hardcover Limited Edition is set to be published in July 2009 - but the price for that is $250.00. |
Diamond Select Toys is releasing a new 1/4 Scale Darth Maul figure this December as part of its new line of "Ultimate Quarter Scale Star Wars Line." Maulie is the First... "Standing over 19 inches tall and accurate to the smallest detail, this line features intricate layered cloth costumes, interchangeable hands and key accessories from Star Wars: The Phantom Menace." It also includes voice and sound clips from the movie. All this for only $79.99... such a deal! You can order direct from Diamond Select Toys or your local Comic Store. |
31 July 2008:
Ray talks about his role as Darth Maul (of course!) his upcoming character of "Snake Eyes" in G.I. Joe and how he uses his "bum" while acting - (We could've used more "bum" action in TPM ... but that's another story! ). He also discusses martial arts and Star Wars fans! The interview lasts for over 20 minutes, can be downloaded directly to iTunes or other mp3 player. For more information and listening options, visit the TheForce.net: Force-Cast:In the Cantina with Ray Park page. Force-Cast: Ray Park Interview |
29 July 2008: Star Wars "Jaw Droppers" in SW Insider No. 103: The latest edition of Star Wars Insider (No. 103) has a story on the "Top Ten Jaw Dropping Moments" of the Star Wars Saga. It excludes the obvious one: "Luke...I am your father." Because it is TOO obvious, but it has some other ones. Coming in at No. 6:
12 June 2008:
"Trials of a Sith" made by MaulFett from Puerto Rico. A take-off of the Vader-vs-Maul theme in the DarkHorse Comic series a couple years back. But... with a twist ending. The other one is called "Catching Up With Darth Maul." A funny view of what Darth Maul might be up to since Episode I was released. The third one has been around for a couple years - Contract of Evil. So... take a look at both entries and vote for your favourite starting June 26th at Fan Films Movie Challenge at AtomFilms.com. |
Another full-length Star Wars Movie? Sorta. The good news is the upcoming Clone Wars Movie, loosely based on the popular Cartoon Network Clone Wars from a couple of years ago and featuring 3-D animation this time, has many of our favourite characters in it (including some of the original voice talents). The Bad news of course is that Darth Maul isn't in it. :( We can only hope that someday Uncle George will make a movie or special featuring the Prequel era that our favourite Sith Lord lived in eh? However, this does look like an excellent movie. You can read more about it at the Official Star Wars Clone Wars Movie site. Watch the trailers (in HD if possible) and enjoy! |
Yes, this is a bit late getting out. Star Wars - all six episodes - are being shown in the U.S. on Spike TV every Sunday night during April and May. They had a Star Wars Marathon to begin Geek-Fest in April. Now they are showing one episode each Sunday evening, through May 25th. You can read more about it at Spike TV - Star Wars where you can view their ultimate 6-in-1 movie trailer (NOT enough Maulie though!). |
The final instalment of the Top 100 Countdown was published in the StarWars Homing Beacon #207 (20 Dec 2007) StarWars.com. Our favourite Sith Lord was of course listed in the top 25! Number 11 to be exact ... though we should take issue with how he was listed:
Maul's Master, Darth Sidious was listed last week at #26, The Sith came in at #4 and Darth Vader at #3. Considering Maul's limited screen time in The Phantom Menace, and even more limited dialogue, we'd have to say this goes to show how popular this sexy Sith Lord really is! Hear that Mr. Lucas? We want more Maul!!!! |
We have the first five pages of the new Phantom Menace Comic up and ready for your enjoyment! We're sure you'll like the new story-line as well as the new format of the comic. Should we tell (erm... tease...) you with some of the drawings that might be coming up??? Naaahh... you have to come back and check it out! :D |
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