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Darth Maul in the Movies

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Fan Films

Poster for Trials of a Sith Trials of a Sith

Trials of a Sith” by Javier Bonet, aka MaulFett is loosly based on the Alternate Universe Comic Star Wars Tales #9: Vader vs. Maul: In a Duel to the Death. The ending however IS and IS NOT the same. You'll just have to jump on over to and see for yourself.

This movie was filmed in Puerto Rico with Javier Bonet staring as Darth Maul (and a Fine Maul he makes too - as some of us saw at Celebration IV). He also directed and edited the film. Fellow Star Wars enthusiasts Jorge Centeno (Darth Vader) and Robert Rodriguez (Stormtrooper) also appear in the movie, as does Javier's son Michael.

Contract of Evil

Contract of Evil PosterContract of Evil is a Sithly Film by Lou Klein. In this Alternate Universe story there are more than two Sith in existence, although by the end of the film there are decidedly fewer than at the beginning! And yes... our favourite Sith makes his appearance in this short film and yes ... he kicks butt! Did we mention he battles shirtless... or tunicless as the case may be?

You can visit the Contract of Evil Site to learn more about the film and what went into it, and download the trailers. To see the whole film though you need to head over to TheForce.Net FanFilms. Be warned though, the download is HUGE at 76MB!

Contract of Evil : Still Photo

Emergence of the Sith

Emergence of the Sith PosterA fan film that deals with events just prior to Episode 1. We get to see our favourite Sith Lord in action against the Jedi - and Winning! (As it should have been!). An excellent short movie with some really terrific effects *Look for Maul chopping down a tree!*

There is a sequel called "The Vanquished Foe." Only available at the Filmxlence website.

“Emergence of the Sith” is available for download at the “Emergence of the Sith” website: The site also includes some nice features about how the movie was made with more information and background promised in the future. It is also available for viewing at You can download the Trailer Here (.mov - 9.7 Mb)

Duality PosterDuality

Widely considered the best fan-film, and for good reason. The special effects are fantastic! And to think it was all done on a Mac! You can view the trailers and film at the website: Crew of Two.

Duality PictureWe posted a News Article on Duality here in June, and you can learn more about the movie and how it was made at the website Crew of Two.

The 65th Sense: Episode 1: The Retired Menace

The 65th Sense: By David Zevin, this movie spoofs many different popular recent films, most notably "The 6th Sense." Maulie is a part of it of course, though he is a bit "intellectually challanged." At least he meets a more noble end in this movie than in TPM! Available at, the film is 19 1/2 minutes long.

American Jedi: Maul makes a couple of appearances in this comedy about Obi-Wan Kenobi facing his final test of having to get laid. Who gets laid first?? hmm....? I wonder....? ;-D (Also available at

The Phantom Dude PosterThe Phantom Dude:

The Phantom Dude: The Phantom Menace told in 5 minutes flat! Yes, all the important scenes are there, meaning Maulie lost almost no screen time in this "duded" Flash version of TPM! Produced by Dude Studios. You can download it from their website or catch it on

Darth Maul in the Phantom Dude

Broken Allegiance
Broken Allegience Poster
Broken Allegiance: One of the best fan-films out there! Excellent effects and graphics make it stand out from the crowd. No Maul, but Darth Vader does make an impressive appearance while trying to catch his wayward apprentices!

They have their own website where you can learn more about the movie, at You can also view the movie on - FanFilms. (Warning: 130 Mb Download).

Who Wants to Marry Darth Maul?

Who Wants to Marry Darth Maul: Image from movie.
"Who Wants to Marry Darth Maul?" Is that a trick question for the ladies of the DMEB-2? Of course not! However, it is a look at "Reality TV" from the Star Wars Universe perspective. A Flash animation available for viewing at Worth a look.

Other Videos

Darth Maul: Shadow Hunter

Darth Maul: Shadow Hunter

Darth Maul Shadow Hunter Television Commercial for the novel by Michael Reaves. ( - 1.67 Mb)

Darth Maul
Darth Maul Movie scene

Darth Maul A wonderful video of pure Maul! Includes scenes from the DVD not originally released in the flm! ( - 10.2 Mb).

Special Thanks to Jeff McNurlin who created this to showcase his video-editing talents. You can visit his web-site, which has a lot of Star Wars goodies on it!


Maul An excellent image and sound compilation of Darth Maul by (maul.avi - 13.9Mb).

The Duel

The Duel Small and short compliation of Maul in TPM. Quality is not very good unfortunately. ( - 8.3 Mb).


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