DMEB News - June 2001

News articles that appeared on DMEB-2 in June 2001.

Note:  Some of the links may no longer be active.

June 29, 2001:

"Duality" - The Film: Want to see more Sith fighting action? - then download "Duality" - a short film made by two Star Wars fans on a Mac computer. QuickTime just posted a story about how the film was made: "Duality" A home-made sci-fi epic film."

Scene from "Duality"

The movie started a few years prior with a short film called "Duel" - the aspiring actor hoped to be auditioned by Lucas for a Star Wars film. (Guess Ray Park got that job!). But the two creators were unhappy with the effects in the movie. "They theorized that they could create a better-looking film by designing computer-generated backgrounds superimposed on a blue screen, along with computer-generated special effects." Those effects by the way, are fantastic! If you haven't seen it - Go take a look!

"Duality" website:

"Making of Duality":

Movie in QuickTime format (TFN):

June 28, 2001:

More TPM DVD Information: A French web-site ( has recently released what appear to be screen-shots from the up coming TPM DVD. It looks good Sithsters! Especially one shot which shows a different view of the "Duel of the Fates."

TPM DVD - Deleted Scenes has an article about it - "Episode 1 DVD Revealed." They venture it might come from a forthcoming commercial for the DVD. Dare we hope that a deleted scene (or two?) featuring our favourite Sith might be on the DVD after all?

June 27, 2001:

Looking for a Job?: TFN recently posted this job announcement that had been floating around their offices.

Position Available Immediately:
Apprentice Sith Lord, Dark Side Consulting Group.

An unexpected position has opened up in the Dark Side Consulting Group for an Apprentice Sith Lord. The ideal candidate for this position would like galactic travel and possess a complete understanding of, and competence with the Force, or demonstrate a willingness to learn.

Duties include: Performing competitive intelligence, hands-on intervention in support of the Sith Master's planning initiatives, ability to travel the galaxy widely, and operating a variety of laser-powered hand weapons and high-powered space/air vehicles. Some slaying of enemies of the Dark Side is also required, which may be performed using the Force or hand weapons.

Qualified applicants would possess good communications skills (especially when speaking in menacing whispers), and would be action-oriented individuals and risk takers. A background in study of the Force (light side or dark) is desirable, as would typically be acquired by those with advanced degrees or significant course work in Jedi Arts from the University of Coruscant.

Applicants should also be familiar with holographic projection equipment, possess a valid galactic pilot's license (for all classes of ships), and must show a willingness to give in to their hate.

A proven track record of using fear and/or Jedi mind tricks to control others is also desirable, as is the ability to speak several galactic languages. Ideal candidates for this position would also have no children or other living relatives who are strong in the ways of the Force. (A new hire would be given several weeks to meet this requirement.)

Compensation for this position is commensurate with experience, and is extremely competitive for this field. Benefits include a generous severance package, a company starship, and a dark-colored clothing allowance. The Apprentice Sith Lord reports to and works closely with the Sith Master, and experience in such small, team-based organizations is vital to the success of the master's plans. Discretion is also highly valued, as is the ability to see the future before it happens. Applications will be accepted until the end of August.

Here is the link if you want to read the posting for yourself!

June 19, 2001:

The TPM DVD Wait is Over!!!!!: Finally - Lucasfilm Ltd. has announced that the release of The Phantom Menace on DVD! It is scheduled for release on October 16, 2001 and priced at $29.95 ( is taking pre-orders for $22.95) for the set of two DVD's.

You can read more about the details of the DVD at the official site:

Highlights Include:

  • The Beginning: A new hour long documentary about the making of EP1.
  • A "Multi-angle storyboard to animatic to finished feature" that allows the viewer to look through the various phases of development of the movie.
  • Five behind the scenes "featurettes" that explore the storyline, costumes, visual effects, designs and those fight scenes we all love - because of "you-know-who!"
  • The "Duel of the Fates" music video.

The Phantom Menace on DVD

June 17, 2001:

The Darth Maul Estrogen Brigade - 2 Goes Live!: We are happy to announce that we are finally up and running *Yes - we know it took a while, and there are still some rough spots!* But we hope you will enjoy it and come back to visit us often.


June 16, 2001:

Phantom Menace on DVD: Rumours about the release of The Phantom Menace DVD abound. Will it come before Christmas - Certainly. Possibly as early as mid-October 2001. It is rumoured to be a 2-DVD set which contains some scenes cut from the theatrical version - though, unfortunately, none seem to involve our favourite Sith Lord :-(

For more information about the specifics visit:


June 12, 2001:

New Dark-Side Book: In August, Wizards of the Coast will release the Dark Side Sourcebook, an accessory for the Star Wars Roleplaying Game that explores the Force's darkest secrets. Players of the game and fans of the saga alike will learn hitherto forbidden lore about the Sith, Dark Jedi, and other shadowy practitioners of obscure arts.

For more information see the complete article:


June 07, 2001:

Maul in new Comic Series: How will Maul fare in a duel between himself and Vader?  We vote for Maul, but will Lucas say 'Vader'?

The comic Star Wars Tales # 9, published under the Infinities banner, features a show-down between the two Sith Lords.  Check it out here.


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