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Masters of the Force (MotF) has scheduled a whole track of Star Wars events, forums and appearances throughout the weekend for the Dragon*Con 2002 attendees. Highlights include a Costume Contest, a Skit Panel, Trivia Contest and what appears to be a "Star Wars Anonymous" meeting! For a full listing of their schedule - please visit their website: Masters of the Force.
Thursday - Aug. 29th:
Want to see Attack of the Clones one last time in the theater? Want to see it with Stormtroopers? The Fox Theatre, located a few blocks from the convention site, will be playing AOTC on Thursday night! More Details Soon!
Friday - Aug. 30th:
The DMEB-2 Dinner will be held on Friday evening. This is the only planned DMEB-2 activity at this time - though we will be meeting informally throughout the convention. For more information about Dragon*Con and membership/badge information - visit their website at www.dragoncon.com.
The dinner will be at the Steak and Ale located at 60 International Blvd. NW., Atlanta, GA. Phone: 404.577.6770.
Dinner is tentatively planned to begin about 6:30 p.m. We have reserved our own room at the restaurant - just ask for the DMEB-2 Party when you arrive.
Steak and Ale Map 1
(11.6 Kb)
Steak and Ale Map 2
(20.5 Kb)
On the MotF schedule are panels on Star Wars Online Gaming, Star Wars & Renderosity, and at 10 p.m. Star Wars Videos and Fan Films.
Saturday - Aug. 31st:
ScottMaul will costume as Darth Maul again on Saturday for official 501st functions - many of which DMEBers will also be attending.
On the MotF schedule is a Star Wars Charity Auction, Celebrity Forum with several authors and actors (Dave Prowse, Jeremy Bulloch, Peter Mayhew, Kenny Baker and more...) and at 4 pm (line starts at 3:30) is the Costume Contest (Does ScottMaul have a chance to win the "Best Sith Lord" category?). And at 7p.m. is a panel on Star Wars vs. Star Trek (Bring your tribbles to throw at the Tredkkers!)
Sunday - Sept. 1st:
Some of the DMEB2 Ladies want to see the Troopers in action at Hooters! Yes... it's true! We've heard so much about it... well... this is something we have to see to believe. So POSSIBLY we will be following some Troopers to Hooters in downtown Atlanta to see if "Chicks really do dig Stormtroopers!"
On the MotF schedule Star Wars Skits (Would ScottMaul consider doing Billy-Bob Maul again?), a forum on Episode II, Star Wars Trivia Contest, Basic Jedi Combat 101 and the Evolution of Jedi Combat class and a forum on Star Wars Collecting (wonder if eBay is sponsoring this class?)
Monday - Sept. 2nd:
Recovery Day! Many members of the DMEB2 and 501st will be heading on out today.
MotF schedule includes a forum on Star Wars Fan Clubs, Star Wars: Keeping it in Perspective... (SWA for short... Star Wars Anonymous), a forum on Star Wars and the 501st! and a discussion on Episode III.
Tuesday - Sept. 3rd:
Darth Real Life!
Our Guest of Honour is once again - "ScottMaul" - the "Official Darth Maul of DMEB-2." Our other guests include members of the 501st Legion - including those from the Florida, Georgia and MidWest Garrisons.
We will have a small bag with gifts for each of our confirmed guests and the DMEB-2 will also be holding a raffle for a few bags of goodies at the DMEB-2 dinner* - consisting of Darth Maul items and memorabilia as well as a few FL 501st items. A "Darth Maul Unleashed" figure and an EP1 "Party Bag" are among the items. If you wish to donate any items for the give-away ... contact Savage.
* The goodies are only for those people who have confirmed with us that they will be attending the dinner!

DMEB-2 Dinner Party Attendees
as of 28 August 2002
Lori (Savage's friend)
Belle Bayard
Shades Buddy
Moff Sienar
Andy Fett
4-5 GA501st troopers to-be-named-later
Bama Trooper & Guest
Dave (Scott's Friend)
"That's MISTER Vader" & Guest
TK-214 & Mrs. TK-214
34 Confirmed Attendees
* If you wish to attend the DMEB-2 Dinner - Please contact Savage or MaulMaus so we can reserve a seat for you.