Dragon*Con began Friday with a shot ... of Jaegermeister that is.
After a late night Thursday, most members of the DMEB-2 were not up with the sun (with the exception of Krisse - still operating on Central Finnish time). Six of us met for brunch in the Hyatt. Were we up too late on Thursday? Were we panicking about the dinner that evening? Did we simply need more caffeine? Whatever it was, we couldn't get the bill figured out - someone is still out $10!
Halfway through the brunch MaulMaus received a panic call for toothpicks and straws! There are some things even the DMEB-2 doesn't want to know about. But, in return for fetching these items for our Official Maul ... MaulMaus insisted on seeing if ScottMaul's butt did indeed look like the Darth Maul Unleashed figure! Unfortunately - she forgot her camera!
The Ladies of the DMEB-2 went upstairs to "THE ROOM" to help with the finishing touches of ScottMaul's make-up and to generally cause trouble for the Florida Garrison. We were successful on both accounts! Early afternoon and "newbie" Roasty was already hiding in the closet - unable to take any more! Apparently the Jaegermeister didn't help much. "Newbie" Darth Dave looked just as bewildered in his borrowed trooper armor! Finally the troopers were all ready and made their grand - official entrance on the Con floor!
All too soon we had to leave for the DMEB-2 Dinner!
Friday Images: [ 1 ] [ 2 ]