The DMEB-2 Dinner was a great success due to the careful planning and execution... erm.. no, that's not right! We simply had a great group of people who had a terrific time together at our little dinner at the Steak and Ale Restaurant in downtown Atlanta
Most of us arrived together at the restaurant and were quickly escorted upstairs to our private room. We chose to ignore the strange looks and stares from the other patrons as well as the muffled giggles from the staff of the restaurant. Sith need to nourish themselves before a battle!
Once safely sealed inside our room ... well MaulMaus and Darth Dave did have to make a quick escape to obtain the tapes and gift bag MaryCheetah left behind in her room (Shoes and their problems seemed to be the theme for the evening!). Small gifts were given to all the attendees of the dinner including a DMEB2 badges and wine glass charms (No... they were not earrings! *rollseyes*).
Dinner proceeded with only major doses of pheremones being thrown about (It's a DMEB-2 Dinner... what else would you expect?) . Finally the raffle was held - with Jerry from Florida winning the "Big Bag of Maulie Goodies" including a Star Wars Puzzle, Darth Maul bath accessories and of course a Darth Maul Unleashed Figure! *Wonder if he'll be using the lip gloss?*
Then it was time for the games to begin! Krisse, our Finnish Sithster, was the Mistress of the Games! We divided up into teams of three persons and had to answer a series of questions - the winner of that part was given a five second head-start on the drinking puzzle! Apparently Savage's team won this part (We think she had an insider deal with Krisse, but that is another story!) Then each team had to use a cup, two spoons and transfer the contents of a small bowl of wine into the cup without using hands. Again.... with much debate... Savage's team "Won." (ScottMaul disagreed, believing his team of "Maul's Dolls" won... which this webmistress agrees with totally!). Unfortunately we did not get to play "Adjust the Armor on the Trooper" nor have the proper use of Imperial Barricade Tape demonstrated! Perhaps next Dragon*Con!

Afterwards we had a few pictures taken with our Guest of Honor - ScottMaul. The dinner was over all too soon - but we all had a terrific time, THANKS to our wonderful guests from all over the world and our 501st friends from Florida and Georgia.
DMEB-2 Dinner Images: [ 1 ] [ 2 ] [ 3 ] [ 4 ]