News articles that appeared on DMEB-2 in October 2001.
Note: Some of the links may no longer be active.
30 October 2001:
Halloween Poll on StarWarsKids.com:
StarWarsKids.com has a poll out (until 01 Nov 2001) which asks: "In the Spirit of Halloween, who do you think is the scariest Sith?"
The results so far: Maulie is winning - with 51%, Darth Sidious is second with 27% and Vader is trailing with 21%. To vote or see the latest results visit the Weekly Poll on StarWarsKids.com.
28 October 2001:
Lucasfilm Denies 3rd Disc Rumours!:
Of course it was too good to be true!! Lucasfilm Ltd., officially denied rumours floating around various websites about a possible third disc for The Phantom Menace.
26 October 2001:
Celebration II Site Update:
Wizards of the Coast has updated their Celebration II Information Page. The updates include a FAQ Page, Transportation and a Look Back at Celebration I. The relevant information has been added to DMEB-2's Celebration II Page. Only about 6 months to go Ladies!!!
25 October 2001:
Another Phantom Menace DVD Disc?:
DarkHorizons.com added the following comment to their News Page:
(DMEB-2 Editor's Emphasis Added!)
"Also, rumors have it that there may be another Star Wars DVD coming. Fan response to the extras on the second DVD disc of "the Phantom Menace" has been great but many are wishing Lucas had kept in some scenes hinted at in the audio commentary or briefly glimpsed in the "making of" documentaries (such as more of the lightsaber duel). Also, the main "making of" documentary's early cut ran four hours, leaving tons of left behind footage. Now, rumors are starting that Lucasfilm may release a "supplemental" DVD disc, packed with more extras, including more commericals, more scenes and maybe even a section on the media coverage of the film. No official word yet but if it happens, it would be the first time a DVD has been released packed with nothing but extras."
We can only hope Lucas is listening to his fans, and will release such a disc!
16 October 2001:
The Wait is Over!!!:
The Phantom Menace has finally arrived on DVD! The 2-disc set was officially released today in the US, and a day earlier in the U.K. For more information on the DVD - visit StarWars.com or TheForce.net.
DMEB-2 has its own Review of the DVD in our Features section. Look for some wonderful pictures to be posted, courtesy of Darth Screen Capture soon!
13 October 2001:
Emergence of the Sith Update!:
The short film, "Emergence of the Sith" can now be downloaded from the Filmxlence.com website. Some of the storyboards are also up for your viewing pleasure. Be warned though, it is 80 Mb - but worth the time.
For more information see our previous news item on the movie or visit our Videos/Movies Page.
12 October 2001:
Unannounced LucasArts Games:
As reported on TheForce.Net, Gamespy has just released the Top Ten Titles of previously unannounced LucasArts games and guides.
GameSpy says that after much thorough research they recently uncovered evidence of more games being worked on by LucasArts. "An inside source has told us that there are other games and gaming-related software coming in the Star Wars franchise, each having their own Star Wars character as spokesman."
Of interest is No. 5: "Darth Maul's Evil Made Easy"
Who better to author a game guide on playing evil than one of the last remaining Sith Lords? The guide delves into playing evil characters in RPGs, as well as the finer points of team killing, cheats and assassination. He also details some of the latest covert technology, as well as mental exercises to maintain game discipline. A must-have for all evil gamers.
The other entries are quite entertaining as well. Visit the GameSpy site for their Top Ten List.
11 October 2001:
StarWars.com Message Boards:
StarWars.com has upgraded their site to now include message boards (for registered members only). Members can discuss The Phantom Menace or any of the rest of the Saga. There is even a spoiler free section for Episode 2 discussions and areas for the Expanded Universe and Collecting. Though - I suppose you should be warned that the moderators are "Forum Jedi." Does that mean the Sith are not welcome? ;-)
11 October 2001:
New Darth Maul Picture:
Click Here for a larger view of the image
(73.2 Kb)
Decipher.com has released another image of our favourite Sith. This one is part of the Reflections III series of CCG cards.
For more information visit the CCG Page on TheForce.Net or Decipher.com.
09 October 2001:
"Emergence of the Sith" Fan-Film
There is a new fan-film called "Emergence of the Sith" which stars our favourite Sith Lord! (Yes - It's true. Thanks to Darth Cynthia for the info!)
This first-rate fan film, by Carlo Leone, covers the time just before the events of EP1 occurred and explains how Darth Sidious gained control of the Trade Federation. Maul fans will enjoy seeing him in action against the Jedi - and winning!
The film can currently be seen only on ifilm.com in streaming video, but will soon be available at TheForce.net (hopefully the quality of the sound and images will be improved once it is posted there!). At 13 minutes, the film is rather long for a fan film, but it is a lot of fun to watch and worth the effort.
You can learn more about the movie and director at the Emergence of the Sith Home Page. They promise to post storyboards and a script for future reference. Links to this film and other fan-films with Darth Maul and the Sith will be posted on the Videos Page.
You can view the trailer at their website or HERE on DMEB-2 (In Quicktime format, 9.7 Mb)
08 October 2001:
EP1 DVD Disc Scans
TheForce.net recently posted scans of both discs in the soon to be released Phantom Menace DVD. As suspected, Darth Maul appears on both discs ... of course!
Click Here for TFn's EP1 News Page from their you can link to their reviews and more information about the long awaited DVD.
07 October 2001:
Darth Maul Customizable Card Game Foil
06 October 2001:
Lego Darth Maul Set
Lego has just unveiled a new set available only through the Lego Online Store. The bust of Darth Maul uses almost 2,000 bricks and is over one foot tall. Cost.... well for a mere $149.99 you too can own one!
For the whole article on the StarWars.com web site, visit the Collecting News Page.
03 October 2001:
Ray Park Appearances in Europe
While, Ray Park's appearances at two conventions in the Benelux have previously been reported .... well the promoters of the Echo Base Convention have a poster that is rather interesting ;-). Click here to see full sized image 91.3 Kb.
In addition to Ray Park, there is supposed to be an exclusive screening of the new EP1 DVD. For more information on the Echo Base Convention ( 13 Oct 2001) visit their website: www.echobase.nl/ebc.
TheForce.net also has an article on this: Ray Park at Benelux Conventions.
EP1 DVD Ads in France:
DVD Alliance has published pictures of some of the Phantom Menace DVD promotional posters and stands. As we expected, Darth Maul is prominently displayed on seemingly all of it - even in France!