DMEB-2 News: June 2003

News articles that appeared on DMEB-2 in June 2003.

Note:  Some of the links may no longer be active.

Ray Park as Darth Maul12 June 2003:

Ray Park Listed on Dragon*Con GuestList!:

Well... it seems the scoop was true! Ray Park is now listed on the official Dragon*Con website as a guest celebrity. Check it out for yourself at

SW Hyperspace Screenshot09 June 2003:

The Official Site launches HyperSpace:

The Official Star Wars Site launches Star Wars: HyperSpace... sort of. Officially, it is launched 10 June 2003. It features a new site design and a free test period (read - short...very short) are in the works for The main site is also receiving a new site design... :/

Hyperspace is a fee based access site for exclusive content on Episode III, celebrity interviews, etc. For more information see's article on Hyperspace.

07 June 2003:

The 501st and Star Wars Weekends at DisneyWorld!

Disney Star Wars Weekends

The 501st Legion was officially part of the Disney Star Wars Weekends Parade! You can see pictures on the Official Star Wars Site! Look for lots of great pics up all over the web, especially the Florida Garrison of the 501st.

Hopefully, next year there will be even wider participation... and they'll let ScottMaul be the Darth Maul for the event!

Disney Maul

Disney's Darth Maul

Ray Park01 June 2003:

Darth Maul News:

Ray Park at Dragon*Con 2003? We sure hope so. Sources close to the action have revealed to DMEB-2 that they are working on getting Ray Park to attend Dragon*Con this year.

Stay Tuned!

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