DMEB2 - November News Page

News articles that appeared on DMEB-2 in November 2001.

Note:  Some of the links may no longer be active.

Shirtless Darth Maul Action Figure29 November 2001:

"Sexy" Shirtless Darth Maul Figure:

Well, the DMEB-2 is not the only site to note that our favourite Sith Lord is sexy! recently posted a notice about the availability of the new Hasbro Darth Maul Action Figure - stating: "Diaper Luke and Sexy Maul are in stock..." at KB Toys (for $12.99 plus S&H) - also available from the Star Wars Fan Club.

Somehow, these descriptions seemed appropriate ;-D. What hasn't been explained is why 10 Jedi Master Points are given with the purchase of this action figure. Shouldn't that be Sith Master Points? Just a thought....

28 November 2001:

SWC2 Three Day PassStar Wars Celebration II Passes:

Well, images of all the general admission Celebration II passes have been posted on

The official site states "Thousands of tickets have already been ordered in the first two weeks since advance sales for Star Wars Celebration II started Nov. 15 at the Official Celebration II site...Celebration II is shaping up to be the premier Star Wars event -- one that fans of the galaxy far, far away will not want to miss. There will be dozens of Star Wars events, displays, activities, guests, and exhibits. More than you can imagine! "

"We know... you can imagine quite a bit. "

Um ... They have NO idea!

SWC2 Friday Pass SWC2 Saturday Pass SWC2 Sunday Pass

For more information and updates visit the Official Star Wars Celebration II site or our SWC2 Pages.

26 November 2001:

“Shadow Hunter” Released in Paperback:

Darth Maul: Shadow Hunter is being released on 27 November 2001, in the US, in paperback format. As an added bonus, James Luceno’s Saboteur is included. Saboteur was previously only available as an E-Book and it could not be printed out.

Darth Maul: Shadow Hunter Darth Maul: Saboteur

25 November 2001:

Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom MenaceThe Phantom Menace Broadcast Premiere:

Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace will have its television broadcast premiere tonight in the US on the Fox network - starting at 7 p.m. local time.

In addition a "six-minute sneak peek of the upcoming web-documentary series, Artoo-Detoo : Beneath the Dome, immediately following the network television premiere." You can read more about Artoo-Detoo's documentary debut on the Star Wars Official Web Site: Fox Previews R2-D2: Beneath the Dome. The whole documentary is three parts and can only be seen at

25 November 2001:

Star Wars Issue of Hotdog Magazine:

Something you might like to read is an excellent feature article in Issue 18 of Hotdog magazine, 'Star Wars, Behind The Scenes With The SFX Men Who Created A Legend.'  Or, 'Those Dusty Days In Tattooine Revisited.'

24 November 2001:

Ray ParkRay Park Interview: 

MaulsMate was lucky enough to obtain an interview with Ray Park earlier this month for SWNYC.

About half the interview involves Ray as Darth Maul, including what was in his mind as he paced during the duel (You know ... that Sithly pacing and smirk as he looks at Qui-Gon then later Obi-Wan from behind the laser gates!).

You can read the interview with Ray Park ("Ok, I am a tiger ... I am a caged beast") on

19 November 2001:

Darth Bane and the History of the Sith:

T'Bone's website Cinescape, has a new guest editorial by David "Dr. Dave" Hudgins about the history of the Sith. This in-depth looks at the origins of the Sith, Darth Bane and how it may play out in the remaining two Star Wars movies. Here is a small portion:

"Enter the lost 20. It has been rumored that in Episode 2, Obi Wan will be shown statue heads (busts) of the only 20 Jedi to leave the order. Obviously, the unnamed Sith founder is one of the 20, but not necessarily the first one. But as shown in the quote, "He was alone at first, but others from the Jedi order who believed as he did and who had followed him in his study of the dark side soon came over. Others were recruited, and soon the ranks of the Sith swelled to more than 50 in number."

For the full article, visit: GUEST EDITORIAL: The Named And The Unnamed: Darth Bane In The Prequels? on Cinescape: Star Wars.

16 November 2001:

"Forbidden Love" Trailer:

Forbidden Love: Episode II Movie Trailer has released the new 2 minute trailer "Forbidden Love" for internet audiences. This is the same trailer that will be shown with "Harry Potter." Again, you need to be a signed and registered member of the site and have QuickTime 5.02 on your computer to view the trailer. QuickTime Pro 5.02 is needed to view the largest version of the trailer.

The trailer gives some new insights into what turns Anakin...looks like Episode II will be fantastic. May 2002 is shaping up to be one exciting month!

15 November 2001:

Emergence of the Sith: Fan-FilmFanFilm Update:

Some interesting news from The fan-film "Emergence of the Sith" was the most popular short-film on their site for the week of November 15th. *Congratulations to the Creators/Producers!  A well deserved honour!*

Other Darth Maul/Star Wars related films ranked on the site include "American Jedi" at No. 11, "How to Combine any Movie with Star Wars" at No. 12 and a unique spoof on some of the most popular recent movies with a Star Wars edge with "The 65th Sense" rated 16th. For more details on these movies, see our Videos Page.

13 November 2001:

Making the TPM DVD:

The Phantom Menace on DVD There is a new feature on in the Episode One section: Worth the Work: Making the DVD, which discusses what went into making the DVD.

“We came up with all these ideas, and we realized that we came up with too much stuff for what a two-disc set could encapsulate,” said Tom Warner, Marketing Manager at Lucasfilm, Ltd,. “We had to narrow it down, and ask what are the nuggets within this that we feel are essential to be on a DVD to be the best product. We didn’t want to put stuff on there that were just marketing gimmicks. We wanted material that people would actually enjoy and feel was added value.”

Too bad they didn’t include the entire duel between the Jedi and the Sith on Naboo...Perhaps if a “Special Edition” is later released...

12 November 2001:

Episode II Poster and International Release Dates:

Episode 2: Teaser has updated their site with the "Teaser Poster" for Episode II. The message reads: “Jedi shall not know Anger, nor Hate, nor Love.”

Lucasfilm, Ltd., has also listed the international release dates for the next instalment of the Star Wars saga. For the most part, “Attack of the Clones” will by May 16th or 17th 2002, throughout North America and Europe. Almost a single universal release date...almost! For a detailed list of release dates visit Episode II Release Dates.

05 November 2001:

Episode II Teaser Trailer

Jango Fett from Episode II has posted the "Breathing" Teaser Trailer for Star Wars Episode II. Supposedly, this is the same trailer that was released a few days ago with "Monsters Inc."

You must be a signed and registered member of to view it from their site though...and you must have Apple QuickTime 5.0 installed on your system to view the trailer (QuickTime 5.0 Pro to view the largest broadband version of the movie!) It is very, very cool though. How many months until May?

Darth Screen Capture has also made a page of images from the trailer available! View it here: Darth Screen Capture: Episode II Breathe Trailer Images.

02 November 2001:

Update: Halloween Poll on has a poll out (until 01 Nov 2001) which asks: "In the Spirit of Halloween, who do you think is the scariest Sith?"

The results so far: Maulie is winning - with 51%, Darth Sidious is second with 27% and Vader is trailing with 21%. To vote or see the latest results visit the Weekly Poll on

Update: Darth Maul won the Halloween Poll *As if there were any contest!* Maulie won with 52%, Sid came in a distant second with 26% and Vader with 22%.

01 November 2001:

DMEB-2 has now received over 10,000 hits since going live on June 17th, 2001! *Thank You!!!!*

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