DMEB2 - News (December 2001 )

News articles that appeared on DMEB-2 in December 2001.

Note:  Some of the links may no longer be active.

22 December 2001:

Darth Maul FieroDarth Maul Low-Rider!:

Not sure what Darth Maul would say to a low-rider Pontiac Fiero GT that features a painting of the Sith Lord on the hood as well as the trunk.

The Darth Maul Fiero will be featured in the February 2002 issue of LowRider Magazine in an article about the Sithly car owned by Jose Salas of Novato, CA. has some more information on the car as does LowRider Magazine which includes additional pictures of this creation!

15 December 2001:

Darth Maul's Lightsabre. Auctioned on Ebay:

Ray Park's Stunt Lightsaber A stunt lightsabre. used by Ray Park in the filming of Episode 1, was recently auctioned on Ebay for $ 45,111.56 (USD) by Lucasfilm as part of a charity drive for the victims of the September 11th tragedy.

"During the filming of some of the fight sequences, Ray used the lightsaber with the attached brightly colored rods. The rods were later replaced for the film with a lightsaber glow effect by the digital artists at Industrial Light & Magic." The price included a letter of authenticity signed by George Lucas.

Several other items were auctioned as well and a complete listing of details can be found at

14 December 2001:

Celebration II Update: recently updated their Communities Pages with information about the planning being undertaken for Celebration II next May 3-5 in Indianapolis with a focus on the Archives Exhibit.

"Celebrants browsing the Art Show galleries will enjoy original Star Wars work and reproductions, which will be on exhibit or up for sale. Many artists will be there to talk about their work, and about what it's like to create in the Star Wars universe. "

The Archives Exhibit is slated to showcase the talents of prop, model and costume artists. We here at DMEB-2, naturally hope there will be a nice, large display of Iain McCaig's work on Darth Maul that we can drool over!

09 December 2001:

News - Finally!

As reported on : recently posted scans of a possible Episode II toy catalogue.

Episode II Action Figure Toy Scan

Click Here to see full-sized view
. (64.7 Kb)

Most of the figures we have seen before in images released by Lucasfilm and in the trailers - however under the image called GenY Toys there are two pictures DMEB2 fans might Especially enjoy:

This does NOT mean that Darth Maul will be in Episode II - but it does make one wonder why a new action figure of Maul, is being released with other Episode II toys. Especially one that there has been no hint of before.

09 December 2001:

Cool Action Figure Diorama:

This image was recently posted on Hasbro's Star Wars section as part of a collection of Star Wars dioramas.  To see the rest of the dioramas submitted by Marc and Katilyn McIsaac from San Jose, CA visit the diorama web-page here. Click image to see full sized image (35.4 Kb).

Diorama of Episode 1 Scene

01 December 2001:

Episode II Fan Trailer:

Jango Fett from AOTC A couple of guys (Timothy Donahue and Abrhama Doris-Down of have way too much time on their hands. They took the three... oops, I mean two ... Official Episode II trailers from and put the scenes in chronological order for The Attack of the Clones film. Very interesting to see.

This was originally reported on and you can view the trailer from that site. (QuickTime required: *.mov - 34.4 Mb)

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