DMEB2 News - August 2001

News articles that appeared on DMEB-2 in August 2001.

Note:  Some of the links may no longer be active.

19 August, 2001:

Darth Maul featured on Patch:

The Marin County, CA of the Boy Scouts of America has just released a new patch featuring our favourite Sith Lord.

Boy Scout Patch Featuring Darth Maul and Yoda

The information first appeared on TFN, where you can read about it on their Collecting page.

For more information, visit the Marin County BSA Site.

18 August, 2001:

"Darth Maul: Shadow Hunter" Author Interview:

Darth Maul: Shadow Hunter book coverMichael Reaves, author of "Darth Maul: Shadow Hunter" was recently interviewed by the New Imperium and Jedi Journals. Here are a couple excerpts:

NI: How was the experience of getting inside the head of the Dark Lord of the Sith and his inner workings?

Mr. Reaves: It was a challenge, because Lucasfilm had strict parameters about how deeply I could delve into Maul's psyche. According to George Lucas, Maul wasn't the most introspective of villains -- his only desire was to serve Darth Sidious. He was basically a Sith Terminator. Which worked well enough in the movie, especially since the character had fairly little screen time, but I knew there was no way I could keep him front and center for an entire book. One can only express a desire to serve the Master and kill Jedi in so many ways. LF did agree to my giving him a sense of hubris, since that had been hinted at in Episode I. That helped deepen him a bit.

In another part of the interview - Reaves gives us Maul fans hope, maybe?

NI: Will we be seeing any more "Star Wars" out of Michael Reaves in the future?

Mr. Reaves: Possibly. I'm certainly not against it, and I've heard that the folks at the ranch aren't either, given that DM: SH performed quite respectably market-wise. I've pitched them an idea for a multi-book series that they're interested in, but that's as far as it's gotten.

You can read the entire interview here:


14 August, 2001:

Celebration II Official Announcement:

Finally has made the official announcement of Celebration II for next May.

In commemoration of the first 25 years of Star Wars, and in anticipation of the eagerly-awaited Episode II, the Official Star Wars Fan Club, Wizards of the Coast and Lucasfilm Ltd. are holding the ultimate Star Wars fan event. All fans are invited to attend Star Wars Celebration II, being held at the Indianapolis Convention Center from May 3-5 2002.

Celebration II will feature celebrity guests, screenings of never-before-seen footage, rare collectibles, exclusive merchandise, special presentations and more! Best of all, it's an opportunity to meet with fellow Star Wars fans from across the country and around the world.

For more information - see the Official Announcement.


August 07, 2001:

Darth Maul in EP1 Snapshot: 

Darth Maul is the feature of this week's Episode One Snapshot on Er... kind of looks like Maul's opinion of the new Episode Two title ... *sorry - off topic!*

Darth Maul on Tatooine


August 06, 2001:

More information on Star Wars Celebration 2:

While there is still no official announcement on Celebration 2, to be held in Indianapolis, IN from May 3-5, 2002, TFN is reporting that someone who attended the recent GenCon received the following card with his program book.

Star Wars Celebration 2 Card


August 06, 2001:

The Official Title for EP-2 Announced:

The title for the next Star Wars installment was announced by Lucasfilm Ltd. and today. Star Wars: Episode II: Attack of the Clones. The official site states:

"It harkens back to the sense of pure fun, imagination and excitement that characterized the classic movie serials and pulp space fantasy adventures that inspired the Star Wars saga.

Ten years after the events of The Phantom Menace, not only has the galaxy undergone significant change, but so have our familiar heroes ..."

To read the rest head on over to to read the Special Announcement.

Star Wars Attack of the Clones - Logo Possibility

Logo possibility from TFN

Needless to say the new title has stirred quite some controversy - Here are a few opinions on the new EP2 title:

[ ] [ ] [ ]


August 05, 2001:

Ray Park to Attend European Conventions:

Ray Park as Darth MaulRay Park is slated to be the guest of honour at two upcoming conventions in Europe.

He will be a special guest at the first Echo Base Con on October 13, 2001 in the Netherlands. More information on the particulars will be posted soon on the Con website at: Echo Base Con. You can also see the Echo Base Website at:

On October 14, 2001, Ray Park will be the guest star at FACTS, the biggest SciFi/Fantasy convention in Ghent, Belgium. For more information on all the events and a schedule, prices, etc., see their website at:


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