DMEB2 - News April 2002

News articles that appeared on DMEB-2 in August 2001.

Note:  Some of the links may no longer be active.

22 April 2002:

AOTC in the News Magazines:

Time Magazine 29 April 2002 CoverStar Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones is the big story for the two major US news magazines, Time and Newsweek. Both feature in depth reports on the upcoming movie as well as a look back into the history of Star Wars and its cultural influences. Both magazine's online editions also feature some interesting images from AOTC as well as polls and quizzes.

You can read both articles online:

Newsweek: The Empire Bounces Back
Time: Dark Victory

Both are available now at newsstands in the US (or soon will be...).

19 April 2002:

Star Wars Celebration II: Fan Films:

Star Wars Fan Film Awards

Star Wars fans of all types and ages have been very busy over the past several months making their own fan films which were submitted to the Fan Film Competition for Star Wars Celebration II. All of the qualifying fan films can now be viewed at the Star Wars Fan Film Network at View and vote online now for your favourite Star Wars Fan Film. Voting continues through Friday, April 26th. The winner will be announced at the Fan Film Award Ceremony at 8:30 PM, Friday May 3rd in the Sagamore Ballroom of the Indy Convention Center.

All of the qualifying films may also be seen at Celebration II in a dedicated room.

Friday May 3 from 11:00 AM to 10:00 PM
Saturday May 4 from 10:00 AM to 10:00 PM
Sunday May 5 from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM.

Some of the films with a Sithly/Dark Side yet humorous bent to them include:

Check them all out and vote for your favourite! Star Wars Fan Film Network.

19 April 2002:

AOTC Television Commercials:

The first television commercials for Episode II: Attack of the Clones have been aired on the Fox network and some cable channels. Episode-X has managed to digitize the commercials in MPEG format. To download the commercials visit Episode-X.

18 April 2002:

Episode II Run Time:

Episode-X reports that the run time for Attack of the Clones is 142 minutes. That's about 9 minutes longer than 133 minute run time for The Phantom Menace. For additional information see AOTC Run Time at Episode-X.

11 April 2002:

Celebration II For Kids: has added a new feature page about Star Wars Celebration II to its website which gives a brief overview of the upcoming convention along with a listing of special activities for kids...

"The Kids Room will be the place for interactive fun! You'll get to interact with other young Padawan by participating in the "Star Wars Screen Test," art classes hosted by Star Wars artists, the "Create a New Star Wars Costume" contest, the "Dear Yoda" table, the "Trivia Game Show," and much more. You'll also get to interact with and have the chance to write about your Celebration II experiences for the web site! Make sure mom and dad have their camera so you can get your picture taken in front of an authentic panel of blue screen on loan to the Kids Room from Industrial Light & Magic."

Sounds like fun! Except... what about the young Sith Lords that will be attending... where do they go?

06 April 2002:

Scene from EP 2Script Review of AOTC:

T'Bone has posted a review of the script of Episode II on his Cinescape: Star Wars Web site by SithInterceptor and Fatboy Roberts. Star Words Episode II Script Review covers all the major story points as well as some minor gems we can all look forward to seeing in mid-May!

"It's been ten years, and the Sith still have not shown themselves. Do you think they are behind this?"

Count Dooku.... Shoulda been Maul!05 April 2002:

The Role Darth Maul Should Have Had!:

The more information and the more spoilers that appear, the more it appears that Count Dooku has the role we here at DMEB-2 wished for Darth Maul! has posted a short excerpt from the dialogue of AOTC between Count Dooku and Darth Sidious. The whole article, with spoilers, can be found at "After Geonosis: Dooku and Darth Sidious."

Attack of the Clones Poster05 April 2002:

AOTC Tickets on Sale in UK on 12 April:

Hard to believe how close the release of Episode II is. Tickets for the next instalment of the Star Wars saga go on sale on 12 April in the United Kingdom, according to, for the midnight screenings of the movie. See AOTC UK Ticket Sales for the whole story.

05 April 2002:

AOTC Background Information:

Dooku and Anakin

T'Bone and his sources have added some background information to some of the characters/situations in AOTC in his article Episode II: Quick Facts. Some are somewhat "spoilerish" however. Here are two small excerpts:

Count Dooku: There were clues that he experimented with a Sith Holocron early on but no one paid much attention. The Jedi Council underestimated his interest in power... After Dooku left the Jedi, he no longer had access to the Sith Holocron in the archives. He now uses a holoprojector to study holographic "cells" given to him by Darth Sidious. These contain the mystic teachings of the Sith.

Anakin: [He] constructed his lightsaber while in a trance-like state, resulting in maximum strength design-wise. Traditional Jedi Crystals are used to make Jedi lightsabers. Synthetic Sith crystals can also be used and are more powerful but Jedi wouldn't do that normally. Dooku's saber uses the Sith synthetic crystals for more power.

Head on over to T'Bone's Cinescape Star Wars site and check out the whole Episode II: Quick Facts article with more information on Count Dooku, Palpatine and Anakin.

03 April 2002:

Star Wars Celebration II Toy MuseumToy Museum at SWC2:

Let there be Toys! And so there were and it was good! Tom Derby of Cloud City Collectibles "is packing up 25 years of Star Wars toys, a representation of each Kenner and Hasbro Star Wars toy produced in the United States, as well as the largest collection of pre-production and prototype items ever assembled."

There will be literally thousands of Star Wars toys to look at and covet... "Derby says there will be more rare and unique items than fans can imagine. As he knows, they can imagine quite a bit. Serious collectors will enjoy the hundreds of examples of store displays, marketing materials and other non mass-produced Star Wars items from the last 25 years. "

For more information on all the goodies that will be showcased, visit: Celebration II Toy Museum on

02 April 2002:

Dooku's Plan Unfolds:

Count Dooku

Spoilers coming fast and furious.... T'Bone has posted another spoiler filled article about Count Dooku and the Trade Federation and specifically with Nute Gunray...

The full article, "Dooku's Plan Unfolds" can be found on T'Bone's Cinescape Star Wars site.

02 April 2002:

SW Celebration II Guests and Autographs:

Numerous villains from all five Star Wars movies will be making appearances at Celebration II in Indianapolis, May 3-5. Among the notable are David Prowse (Darth Vader) and several of the Imperial officers including Kenneth Colley (Admiral Piett), Julian Glover (General Veers) and Michael Sheard (Admiral Ozzel). All the actors will be signing autographs and visiting with fans and many will be on stage for interviews and taking questions from the fans.

Wizards of the Coast has also posted the following information on the official Star Wars Celebration II website:

"Buy a coupon for one autograph for $15, or buy a book of ten for $120. Either way, autographs at Celebration II will be much less expensive than Star Wars celebrity autographs at other convention gatherings."

c2 Ventures Splash Page

C2 Ventures is the company in charge of the organizing the autograph sessions and has it's own website with information on obtaining autographs at SWC2. The interesting thing is that Ray Park (Darth Maul) is pictured on their Celebration splash page - yet has announced he will NOT be attending SWC2. Makes one sit back and say Hmmmmm?????......

More Information:

Guests from the Screen: Guests from Behind the Scenes
C2 Ventures
Celebrity Autographs
Imperials at Celebration II

02 April 2002:

The Sith in AOTC:

Episode X has an exclusive spoiler filled article, "Join me, Obi-Wan!" dealing with the existence of the Sith in the Republic during the time of Episode 2. Some interesting tidbits some out in the conversation between Count Dooku and Obi-Wan Kenobi.

01 April 2002:

Dealing With the Natives:

Star Wars Celebration II

Must have come across as early April Fool's Joke for the people of Indianapolis. posted Indianapolis Invitation for Celebration 2 which included some excerpts from the March 31st edition of the Indy Star Newspaper:

The article entitled - "The Force will be with us: 25 years of 'Star Wars' coming to Indianapolis" starts out with, "Some things droidful come this way." (Not to be picky... but shouldn't that be - "Something Droidful This Way Comes?") It serves as a sort of warning for the people of Indy about "US" and what to expect. Little do they know....

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