DMEB2 News
Dragon*Con 2003

[ DMEB-2 Dinner Information ] [ General D*C Information ]

DMEB2 at DragonCon 2003Only a few short weeks until Dragon*Con 2003! Once again, members of the DMEB-2 will be attending Dragon*Con and, yes, we will be hosting a dinner for our members and friends. For more information about Dragon*Con and membership / badge information - visit their official website at

Before contacting anyone at the DMEB-2, please read all the information posted on this page and watch the DMEB-2 Message Boards under the Events forum for additional information regarding the dinner.

We all look forward to seeing old friends again and meeting some new ones, seeing some of the imaginative costumes that will be displayed and watching the imaginative behaviour of others...

It won't be long now!

DMEB-2 Dinner Information:

Steak and Ale - DMEB2 Style! The DMEB-2 Dinner will be held on Friday, August 29th, from 7 to 9 pm at the Steak and Ale Restaurant located at 60 International Blvd. NW., Atlanta, GA. Phone: 404.577.6770. ( MAP ) We have reserved our own room at the restaurant - just ask for the DMEB-2 Party when you arrive.

The cost is $32 - payable to Savage by AUGUST 10th!!!! This includes the dinner, dessert and non-alcaholic drinks. In addition every guest will receive a personalized DMEB-2 / Dragon*Con 2003 Badge* and a raffle ticket for our "Goodies Bag." If you wish to attend the DMEB-2 Dinner - Please contact Savage so we can reserve a seat for you.

*All badges will be personalized with the name of the guest as it appears on our guest list. If you wish to have a different name or to send a picture to be included on the badge, please contact MaulMaus. (August 23 is the last day for BADGE submissions! - no exceptions!)

Buffet-style dinner includes:

Choice of entree-

Cajun vegetable pasta
Center cut top sirloin
Hawaiian Chicken

Salad bar
Baked potato
Non-alcoholic drinks

Choice of dessert -

Chocolate chip cake
Mile high cheesecake

ScottMaul as Darth Maul

Our Guest of Honour is once again - "ScottMaul" - the "Official Darth Maul of DMEB-2." Our other guests include members of the 501st Legion - including those from the Florida, Georgia and MidWest Garrisons.


For all confirmed *and PAID guests* we will have a small bag with your personalized DMEB-2/Dragon*Con Badge and some other small gifts. DMEB-2 will also be holding a raffle for a few bags of goodies at the DMEB-2 dinner* - consisting of Darth Maul items and memorabilia as well as a few FL 501st items. If you wish to donate any items for the give-away ... contact Savage or MaulMaus.

* The goodies are only for those people who have confirmed with us that they will be attending the dinner!

Dragon*Con 2003
DragonCon 2003

Dragon*Con 2003 will be held from Friday, August 29th to Monday, September 1st in the Marriott and Hyatt hotels in downtown Atlanta, Georgia.

As usual, there are a wide variety of events to keep you occupied from workshops to presentations, musical guests and artists, not to mention the celebrities like Ray Park. For more information on DragonCon and the events planned, visit their website at: .

Matters of the Force (MotF) has scheduled a whole track of Star Wars events, forums and appearances throughout the weekend for the Dragon*Con 2003 attendees. Although, their schedule isn't finalized yet, they will probably include events like a Costume Contest, a Skit Panel and a Trivia Contest. For a full listing of their schedule - please visit their website: Matters of the Force.

Preliminary Schedule:

Thursday - Aug. 28th:

When many members of the DMEB2 and 501st will start arriving.

Friday - Aug. 29th:

2:30 pm:

SW Online Gaming

7-9 pm:

The DMEB-2 Dinner at the Steak and Ale.

10:00 pm:

SW Fan Film Festival Round 1.

Saturday - Aug. 30th:

8:30 am:

SW Saturday Morning Cartoons!

9:00 am:

Make-A-Wish Silent Auction

11:30 am:

Ray Park Celebrity Hour!! "Meet the man who brought Darth Maul to life. (1 hour)

4:00 pm:

Star Wars Costume Contest (Pre-Registration Required). Gee ... who do we know that could win the TPM male costume? ;)

5:30 pm:

Panel: The Clone War, Begun it Has!

10:00 pm:

Hothlanta Rebels 2003 Mr. Star Wars Contest! Hmmm.. :D

Sunday - Aug. 31st:

10:00 am:

SW Revelation Radio Fan Club.

11:30 am:

Panel: History and Evolution of the Jedi Costume.

1:00 pm:

Costume Demo & Workshop.

4:00 pm:

SW Trivia: Jail-n-Bail for Make-A-Wish.

5:30 pm:

SW Collector's Hour.

8:30 pm.:

SW Fan Film Festival: Round 2.

Monday - Sept. 1st:

11:30 am:

SW Keeping it in Perspective!

1:00 pm:

SW & the 501st!

Recovery Day! Many members of the DMEB2 and 501st will be heading on out today.

Tuesday - Sept. 2nd:

Darth Real Life!

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