Dragon*Con 2003

What can we say? We love a man in uniform. And white plastic armor just sends us over the top! Here are some pics of some Trooper buddies of ours! Also pics of the 501st before the D*C Parade from Saturday morning and the 501st Photo Shoot from Sunday. Enjoy!

Tiger Tom! (DirtyTom) DirtyTom and Clutch... in armor... as usual.... Dirty"Tiger"Tom

"Tiger" Tom!
DirtyTom from the
Lone Star Garrison.

By MaulMaus.
(Full-sized 48.3 Kb)

DirtyTom and Clutch...
in armor!

By Blaze Tyson
(Full-sized 35.3 Kb)


By Blaze Tyson
(Full-sized 40.5 Kb)

Blaze and TK-Vin Diesel - The Dirty Troopers! Hands Up!!!

Blaze and TK-Vin Diesel

By Blaze Tyson
(Full-sized 51.7 Kb)

Hands Up Jedi Scum!

By DarkLady
(Full-sized 70.3 Kb)

2nd Annual Dragon*Con Parade (Preparation).

For images from the Parade itself visit the "Parade Gallery."

Ragressen, Zam I Am and Zam I Ain't prepare for the Parade Bounty Hunters Confer with one another! Preparing for the Parade

Ragressen, Zam I Am and
Zam I Ain't discuss the
last minute details for
the parade.

By MaulMaus.
(Full-sized 55.5 Kb)

Bounty Hunters Confer.

By MaulMaus.
(Full-sized 60.1 Kb)

Preparing for the Parade!

By MaulMaus.
(Full-sized 53.9 Kb)

501st Group Photo for the D*C Parade Zam I Am in Group Shot 501st Group Shot

501st Group Photo
before the D*C Parade.

By MaulMaus.
(Full-sized 53.5 Kb)

Zam I Am in the Line-Up!

By MaulMaus.
(Full-sized 58.5 Kb)

501st Group Shot.

By MaulMaus.
(Full-sized 51.3 Kb)

Helmets Off!!! Lining up for the Parade! Finally!!!

Helmets Off!!!

By MaulMaus.
(Full-sized 48.2 Kb)

Lining up for the Parade!

By MaulMaus.
(Full-sized 49.9 Kb)

Finally... the Troopers

By MaulMaus.
(Full-sized 54.6 Kb)

Zam I Am gets ready for the Parade. Moving Out!

Zam I Am

By MaulMaus.
(Full-sized 52.3 Kb)

Moving Out!

By MaulMaus.
(Full-sized 51.4 Kb)

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