DMEB2 - News January 2002

News articles that appeared on DMEB-2 in
January 2002.

Note:  Some of the links may no longer be active.

30 January 2001:

The Sith in AOTC (Update):

Episode-X continues with Part 2 of an essential spoiler scene in Episode II: Attack of the Clones. The "Master Politician" at work.

Read the full report : Dark Powers Emerging (Part 2) at Episode-X.

29 January 2002:

AOTC Teaser PosterThe Sith in AOTC:

Episode-X has posted the first part of some spoiler filled dialogue that is reported to be in Episode II: Attack of the Clones. The dialogue occurs with some of the Jedi Council members and others regarding the existence of the Sith... and how Darth Maul fits into the picture.... No more or it would have to be a spoiler here as well....

Read the report: X-Clusive: The Missing Apprentice (Part 1) at Episode-X.

28 January 2002:

Celebration II Updates:

Saturday Pass for SWC2 has updated their Celebration Journal pages with some advice on what to pack for Celebration II. Advice ranges from the obvious (Don't forget your pass/badge) to ... well... other obvious matters - such as bringing plenty of money to spend on toys and collectibles while you are attending SWC2. You can read the entire article at Packing for Celebration.

25 January 2002:

New Darth Maul Sculpture:

Hasbro has announced a new line of Star Wars sculptures to be released this year. A preview is given on in their Collecting Section: First Look at Star Wars Unleashed.

Darth Maul Unleashed Sculpture by Hasbro

Click to see Larger Image (67.2 Kb)

"These powerful and meticulously designed sculptures capture some of the most compelling Star Wars characters in their rawest and most electrifying moments."

Darth Maul and Jango Fett are two of the first sculptures to be offered. No prices have been announced for the 7 inch high sculptures and no specific release date has been given for the Darth Maul statue.

24 January 2002:

Palpatine as played by Ian McDiarmidInterview with Ian McDiarmid: recently posted an interview with actor Ian McDiarmid (Palpatine) on their website: The Man of Mystery. This article by Scott Chernoff, originally appeared in Star Wars Insider, Issue 53 (May/June 2001) and is an interesting read about another favourite villain in the Star Wars Universe and the talented actor behind him.

Here's a short excerpt:

Has he given you a specific idea about how Palpatine will evolve in Episode III?

He's always said that Episode III will be the darkest. George feels people won't necessarily like it because of that, but my feeling is the reverse. I think they'll like it even more, because I think people are fascinated by the whole dark side of the saga. That's why Vader is so interesting. He's complicated, as we later find out. It's that apparently seductive darkness that fascinates people. They want to know more about it. They're not attracted by evil, but they're attracted by the nature of it. It's a very interesting thing to observe.

See "The Man of Mystery" for the entire article on the website.

23 January 2002:

"Duel of the Fates" in AOTC:

According to Episode-X, the next installment of the Star Wars story will at least have some great music to go with the action. Apparently at least a short bit of the "Duel of the Fates" will be used in the movie along with original music scored by John Williams for AOTC specifically.

Read the whole, albeit short, article on Episode-X: "Duel of the Fates Featured in AOTC!"

22 January 2002:

TPM DVD: Version 1.1 ?Another TPM DVD?:

The rumour that will not die. The newly re-designed Episode-X site ventures that another version of the TPM DVD may have been proposed. One can only hope this is true and that this time, not only will the entire, uncut duel scene be included, but maybe, just maybe, an alternate ending? Naahhh.... that's probably asking too much.

Visit Episode-X "More TPM DVD to Come?" to read the whole article and to check out their cool new website design!

17 January 2002:

George Lucas on A&E Biography:

George Lucas will be the focus of Biography on the A&E Network on 27 January 2002. T'Bone somehow finagled a sneak preview of the episode and gives a nice review of it:

"With most recent non-Lucasfilm documentaries or specials on Lucas, fans like myself are almost always disappointed to see the same old pictures, same footage, same interview segments, etc. Not so with this special. It's loaded with tons of never-before-seen (to me, anyhow) footage and stills, mixed in with a few of the regulars. ..."

The whole article, Review Biography: George Lucas: Creating an Empire is on T'Bone's Cinescape: Star Wars site. Looks like one to watch... even if "Uncle George" did kill off Maulie!

ScottMaul - Like Darth Maul?

08 January 2002:

Darth Maul Top Ten:

Darth Pat submitted a Top Ten Ways to be Like Maul list for T'Bone's Cinescape Star Wars Page. We may need to check in with the Official Maul of DMEB2 on this one - but I think ScottMaul has already started working on the list!

10: Buy yourself some black boots, black gloves and a black outfit with a hood.

9: Pierce your left ear.

8: Shave your head.

For the rest of the list check out T'Bone's Cinescape Homepage or Top Ten Page.

08 January 2002:

How Dedicated Are You? :

Waiting for Star Wars Episode IITwo fanboys, John Guth and Jeff Tweiten, of the Seattle Star Wars Society (SSWS) have already made their place in line. They became the first fans to begin the wait for Episode 2: Attack of the Clones, starting on January 1st outside the Cinerama Theater in Seattle.  Guess this means we won't see them at Celebration II then.

You can read about this for yourself on the SSWS homepage ( An excellent site BTW) as they plan to update the site with news, pictures and even videos of the ordeal. They will soon create a new website called to document it all. and have also been keeping their visitors updated on the fanboy's situation.

07 January 2002:

Lucasfilm Ltd., and Copyright:

Daniel Zalewski of the NY Times gives an overview of copyright issues in his article 'The Future of Ideas': Protecting the Old With Copyright Law available on Yahoo Daily News. The recent ruckus over The Phantom Edit and Lucasfilm Ltd., are mentioned prominently. The article gives an interesting overview for the new Lawrence Lessig book, "The Future of Ideas," covering copyright and intellectual property in modern American society.

Send in the lawyers! ;-)

07 January 2002:

E-Bay Auction for America Falls Short of Goals:

Dart Maul's Saber Auctioned on has posted a short article about an item listed on Yahoo Daily News detailing the problems eBay has had with its "Auction for America." Despite contributions from major supporters such as George Lucas and Jay Leno, the "Auction for America" has not raised nearly as much money as anticipated for the victims of the September 11th attacks, only 6.5 million compared to the anticipated 100 million. The lack of support has been blamed on a glut of charities asking for donations.

The main item auctioned on eBay by Lucasfilm Ltd., was a stunt lightsaber used by Ray Park during the filming of The Phantom Menace, which raised over 45 thousand dollars by itself and was the item with the highest bid out of the dozen offered by Lucasfilm. CNet News posted an article "The Force is with eBay," in December about the items being offered for auction on eBay.

05 January 2002:

Most Anticipated Movies of 2002:

Star Wars: Attack of the Clones (AOTC) and Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers, are undoubtedly the two most anticipated films for the year of 2002. As has reported, has an ongoing poll asking fans which films of 2002 are the most anticipated. LOTR is currently beating AOTC by a fair margin. Now, if Darth Maul would appear in AOTC ... perhaps those numbers could be reversed... Just a thought Mr. Lucas!

04 January 2002:

Star Wars: Darth Maul: SaboteurSaboteur Listed on Palm's Best E-Books of 2001:

Darth Maul: Saboteur, the e-book by James Luceno was listed as number 8 on Palm's Best of 2001, making it one of the best sellers of last year. For a listing of all the top books visit or the original posting on

Saboteur is also currently available as a special additional feature in the paperback edition of Star Wars: Darth Maul: Shadow Hunter by Michael Reaves.

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