DMEB2 - News (June 2002)

News articles that appeared on DMEB-2 in June 2002.

Note:  Some of the links may no longer be active.

25 June 2002:

The Prequel Feminism:

This is the first of a two part series, by Paul F. McDonald, on feminism as presented in the Star Wars prequels, posted on Part One can be found at: The Prequel Feminism. Here is a short excerpt.

Much of Amidala's journey can be interpreted in terms of Indian mythology, one that easily lends itself to feminine sensibilities. In this mythic system, all energy and power derive from the Sanskrit word "shakti," which is the essence of the female divine (there is actually a woman Jedi in Attack of the Clones who is named Shaak Ti). In Hindu mythology, all duality in the phenomenal world is "maya," an illusion. Beyond the world of appearances is the one, the Self, that only looks as if it's splitting itself up. This can obviously be read in terms of Amidala's coming of age.

29 June 2002:

Religion and Star Wars:

Terry Mattingly has written a short article for Deseret News entitled: Religion and Morality - Star Wars Style.

"There is zero evidence in the Star Wars films that anyone is ever taught anything about what is right and what is wrong," notes Rivera. "We don't even know why the dark side is dark. It's a mystery. It's a concept with no meaning.

Visit for the full article. Perhaps with the release of Episode III in 2005 - we will have a few more answers to these issues.

28 June 2002:

AOTC Featured in Cinefex Magazine:

Cinefex No. 90: AOTC special Everything you ever wanted to know about the special effects of AOTC and more, are featured in a 58 page spread in Issue No. 90 of the visual effects magazine Cinefex. It was written by Jody Duncan, the author of the upcoming book - Mythmaking: Behind the Scenes of Attack of theClones. also has a short article about the feature at Episode II in Cinefex. The magazine hits the newsstands July 8, 2002. You can also order a copy through the Cinefex website.

Previously Cinefex published a whole issue devoted to Episode One: The Phantom Menace (Issue No. 78 / July 1999). The issue is still available as a back issue from the Cinefex website.

DMEB2 First Birthday17 June 2002:

DMEB-2 Celebrates One Year!:

The Darth Maul Estrogen Brigade is celebrating its one year anniversary today! One year ago, the DMEB-2 posted itself for the world to see - and what a year it has been! From new fan-fiction by familiar writers as well as new authors, wonderful new fan-art to being able to meet some of our Sithsters at Celebration II and finding our own "Official Darth Maul of DMEB-2!" It has been quite a ride and we are looking forward to the coming years!

06 June 2002:

A Poll:

At the end of January 2002 (yes... it's late...*sighs*) ran a poll about lightsaber duels, asking "Which final match was more suspenseful the first time you saw it? "

Darth Maul and Obi-Wan beat out Luke Skywalker vs. Darth Vader 58% to 42%. But of course.... would we expect anything less from our favourite Sith?

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